7:35 AM – After three days at sea, we have finally arrived in Penang, Malaysia. No big excursions planned, I’ll explore the place on foot. Not expecting much, frankly. I had originally planned to spend the day lounging on the “famous” Monkey Beach and frollicking with the long-tailed macaques. But no. Not enough people signed up for the tour. Cancelled.
The good news is, the money I spent on the Monkey Beach deal will now be re-purposed and used to pay off my onboard “incidentals.” (Bar tab.)
Tomorrow is Kuala Lumpur, just a few miles down the chain of islands that make up this country. Then, on Saturday, it’s Singapore. End of the line for this leg of my journey.
I have mixed feelings about taking that final walk down the gangway. Certainly excited/terrified by the adventure that awaits me. But somewhat saddened to say goodbye to the Ryndam and the friends I’ve made.
Hard to believe it was seven weeks ago that I got onboard back in England. ,
Time flies. Which brings up this pointless observation: I am now a full 12 hours ahead of the Eastern Time Zone. Not sure why, but it’s a creepy feeling. It’s like I’m hurtling through space…drifting farther and farther away. Or diving deeper and deeper into the ocean.
Until next time.